About Us
We’re Kip and Marleigh Sayers. We’ve been developing our vision of modern, distinctive, functional, beautiful sun protective clothing since we took a year-long road trip around Australia way back in 2012. We spent time exploring on land and sea to discover the very best adventures that this big, beautiful country of ours had to offer. We had the most amazing time!
It was on this epic trip that we got tired of not being able to find the quality we needed in sun shirts, so we decided to do something about it. We set about the task of creating a better product and a fashionable solution to a very common problem.
In 2013, came our first shirts with our trademark high zip collar, large zip pocket and thumb holes. By 2016, not only had we expanded our family to include two adventurous, curious, loveable little boys, but also our product line to include childrenswear and an entirely new women’s brand – MALi Designs. In 2021 we added the final piece to our family with the arrival of our beautiful daughter Indiana. We couldn’t let her miss out on the same amazing protection so we designed the perfect little rompers too!
Our shirts are bridging the gap between sun protective clothing and fashion.
One beautiful design at a time…
There is so much more to come from us and we’re delighted to have you along for the journey!
“We LOVE the time we spend outside as a family. Whether it’s paddle boarding, fishing, or simply heading out to the local park, it’s comforting to know we can tackle any adventure and be confident we are all being protected from the harsh Aussie sun.
It doesn’t hurt that they are lovely shirts, either!”
Marleigh Sayers |Co Founder, Outdoor Clothing Australia

Our why
Along our travels, and our time in business, we have met many people wearing the battle scars of a life lived outdoors without the proper protection. We have met too many people who have grieved the loss of a loved one to melanoma, and at more than 2,000 Aussies of an almost-entirely preventable disease, we wanted to do our bit.
Did you know, every year in Australia*:
• Skin cancers account for around 80% of all newly diagnosed cancers
• The majority of skin cancers are caused by exposure to the sun
• GPs have over 1 million patient consultations per year for skin cancer
• The incidence of skin cancer is one of the highest in the world, two to three times the rates in Canada, the US and the UK.
(*Source: The Cancer Council of Australia)
These are sobering statistics, especially when you consider there are plenty of strategies available to keep you and your loved ones safe. Simply following the 5 steps to sun smarty goodness will be a huge help in preventing a very scary illness from affecting you, or somebody close to you. Remember:
• Slip • Slop • Slap • Seek • Slide